HLM Beyond Education
In our pursuit of excellence we strive to create a shared learning environment and offer our students high quality opportunities for experiencing and learning. The last few academic sessions may easily be called an epoch, when the college in its journey to achieve the dream of providing an invigorating environment for quality education, took teaching beyond the classroom. Coupled with creating an interactive environment in our theory, tutorial and practical classes, the faculty stressed the importance of personality development, confidence building, skill-learning, team work etc. These attributes are more easily acquired outside the formal space of the classroom.
We realized that students have to be exposed to 'what it means to practice’' - we decided to encourage them to take up small research projects either in the college or outside or undertake training and skill development in any field of their choice. These projects sometimes have resulted in students bringing laurels to the college. All students are encouraged to present their research findings in conferences and symposia - a very great morale boosting experience for them.